1. Except in rare circumstances where the Foundation extends an invitation to submit a grant,

    it will consider grant requests only from 501 (c) 3 entities.


2. Only written requests that comply with our grant procedures will be considered.


3. Most of our grants are provided to educational institutions.

    Please refer to our list of grants awarded in previous years.


4. All grant requests must include, in short and concise format:

a) a statement of the amount requested;

b) the purpose for which the grant will be used;

c) how the grant will further the purposes of the applicant 501 (c) 3;

d) how the grant will benefit the community served by the applicant and the larger community

     in which the applicant is located;


5. Also required are:

e) a copy of the applicant’s IRS Form 990 for the two most current filing years;

f)  a copy of the applicant’s charter and bylaws (unless already provided in a previous application

     or grant);

g) a list of its Board of Directors, if any;

h) a copy of its audited financial statements for the two previous years.

     If audited financials are not available, unaudited financials will be accepted.


6. Optional information that is helpful in considering grants includes:

a) basic programs of the applicant;

b) other foundations that have supported the applicant;

c) religious affiliation, if any;

d) percentage of administrative costs vs. contributions and other revenue.

All Rights Reserved. P.J. Moran Foundation, 2011. 2803 Sackett, Houston, TX 77098

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